Local Resources
Resources for Leaders to Keep Their Cities Functioning in the Wake of COVID19
View NLC’s carefully crafted and curated resources, which include a myriad of best practices, tools and supports on all the key issue areas relevant to cities, towns and villages. Our charge is to help local leaders and community residents navigate, solve problems and respond to the COVID-19 public health crisis.

City Operational Impacts
Leaders must ensure that essential city services continue to operate during the COVID-19 outbreak. From moving to digital public meetings to ensuring essential workers are healthy and able to perform their duties – these resources are meant to help local leaders navigate the unchartered waters of providing municipal services during COVID-19.

Children and Family Support
City leaders have a role to play across multiple areas to support residents and their communities. Children and families need opportunities to learn and grow, to be financially stable so they can pay their bills and get ahead, to live a healthy lifestyle and have access to healthcare, and to have safe neighborhoods to call home.

Economic Stability
Local leaders are ready to work to help counteract the devastating economic effects brought on by the Coronavirus. Resources in this page focus on housing, economic insecurity, transportation and other areas of financial and economic interest to help communities identify and offset the burden COVID-19 is having on local economies.

Vulnerable Populations
Social vulnerabilities put people at an increased disadvantage to crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. Targeted efforts must be provided to create equitable support to these populations. The resources in this section provide strategies city leaders can employ to support these groups, their caregivers and their communities.